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Indian Journey Part XIII: Getting Ripped Off July 6, 2010

Posted by pacejmiller in India, Travel.
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This dude showed us how they made the Taj Mahal...well, kind of...

…in my opinion, as long as we think we paid a decent price (compared to our home country), it doesn’t really matter if you get ripped off a little.  Everyone’s still happy.

As a tourist, no matter where you go, you have to look out for scams and people trying to rip you off.  I’ve heard plenty of horror stories, such as where people offer you something on the street for free, but once you take it, they say it costs $X and they won’t take the good back.  The best one I heard was in China, where they offload buses of sightseers at a souvenir shop and lock the doors until they’ve all made at least one purchase!

We didn’t experience any such extreme problems in India, but I would like to offer a warning about these “private tours”.  From what I hear, most of them are the same — that is, they will take you to a lot of places not on the itinerary or places you didn’t ask to go to for the sole purpose of making you spend more money.

It’s pretty much unavoidable, so if you don’t like that kind of stuff, make sure you tell them up front or else it can get a little frustrating.  Your guide may get pissed off (because that may mean they get a smaller cut or commission), but don’t forget you’ve already paid for his services, and they still need to treat you decently if they want a tip at the end.

(to learn how to avoid being ripped off in India, click on ‘more’ to read on)


Sneak Peek of New Tinker Bell Movie! July 6, 2010

Posted by pacejmiller in Entertainment.
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Here’s a plug for the brand new Disney movie Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue, set for release on DVD and Blu-ray on 15 September 2010 (and I believe in cinemas during August)!

I’ve always been a bit of a closet Peter Pan fan, and this looks like a great one for the family.  The story is set years before Tinker Bell meets Wendy and the Lost Boys and is a prequel of sorts about Tink’s bond with a little girl called Lizzy. Check out the sneak peek video below.

It features an excellent voice cast including Michael Sheen and Lucy Liu.  But the best part about the movie?  Tinker Bell is voiced by none other than Mae Whitman from Arrested Development!  Who?  I hear you ask.  That’s exactly right.  Mae Whitman played George Michael’s on-off Christian girlfriend Anne.  Her?  Yep.

Indian Journey Part XII: The Taj Mahal July 6, 2010

Posted by pacejmiller in India, Travel.
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The Taj Mahal, one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World“, deserves a whole post to itself.  For once, I actually agree with the guide books that say that pictures do not do the Taj Mahal justice.  It’s just one of those things that you simply have to see in person to fully appreciate what a remarkable piece of architecture it truly is.

(click on ‘more’ to read the excellent adventure!)
