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Novel progress January 13, 2009

Posted by pacejmiller in Fantasy, Novel, On Writing.
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(drum roll)

The progress on my fantasy novel over the last couple of days has been…NOTHING!  Not one word.  Sad.

frustrationMost of the blame can be attributed to this blog, which I am getting addicted to.  The blog and study have been my novel’s two worst enemies.  It would indeed be ironic if this blog (which I started to help with my writing) and study (which I undertook, in part, to give me more time to write), became the reasons why my novel never gets finished.  Shudder.

However, tomorrow is the start of the new term, and things should settle back into the old routine.  I had been fanatically adding content to this blog because I got impatient looking at how bare it is, but from now on updates will be a little more reasonable.  And I’ll try to focus more on writing in my posts from now on.  Promise.


1. 16sd - January 13, 2009

Keep going. I am working on a short story for a competition and have a book with journalism articles and another lined up.

My name is Samson Dada, 17 years old, the Youth Community Correspondent for the North and East Manchester Advertiser and member of Cleland Thom’s premier gold standard mentoring scheme.

Check out my website: samsondada.com

2. ceylanthewriter - January 13, 2009

Keep focused! You CAN finish and you will! Keep focused and keep positive! Try to sit and write for five minutes every day and see how it takes you.


3. pacejmiller - January 14, 2009

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

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